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Weight - 768g

Dimensions - 9.6cm x 7.4cm x 6.3cm


Arfvedsonite is highly sought by psychics, healers and those looking to work on expanding the consciousness, particularly through third eye chakra work.


Arfvedsonite is considered an essential and powerful crystal for psychics, healers and those wishing to enhance their connection to the spirit world. It is thought that Arfvedsonite aids with developing psychic abilities and seeing into the future. But you do not have to be a psychic to appreciate the benefits of Arfvedsonite; this crystal reminds us to look to the future with hope and excitement rather than fear of the unknown. We can restore our child-like optimism about tomorrow and relieve the adult pressures of worrying 10 years, 20 years down the line. As we brighten our view of the future, a brighter future becomes possible.


Arfvedsonite also is a stone of manifestation - it helps us to divine a self-fulfilling prophecy of the most positive nature.


Arfvedsonite is also thought to relieve nightmares or substitute fear during sleep with fascination and curiosity that sometimes help quell the fear of a dream.


Arfvedsonite is primarily a stone for the Third Eye and Throat Chakras.

Arfvedsonite (Firework Stone) Skull

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