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Weight - 89g

Dimensions - 9.3cm x 4.1cm x 3.4cm


Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed in swiftly cooling lava that has a high silica content. Golden sheen obsidian is formed when patterns of gas bubbles are aligned along layers created by the flowing lava before it solidified.


Golden sheen obsidian is also thought to be ideal for balancing energy fields and releasing the ego. The reflective nature of obsidian makes it one of the first stones used in self-reflective meditation, internal growth and self-understanding. Obsidian’s energy is thought to create a protective shield that deflects negativity and repels attempts of others to assert power over us. It is believed to help us uncover our unique skills and hidden talents. Meanwhile, it assists in releasing blockages to our spiritual and personal growth. Also, it is thought to give us insight into the core of problems and remove egotistical thinking, allowing us to find our spiritual path. By stimulating the Solar plexus chakra, it can assist us to reclaim our personal power. It helps us align with Divine Will and become co-creators with the Universe to manifest what is best for the highest good of all beings.

Golden sheen obsidian Shark

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