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Please note price is per stone.


Weight per Stone - 13g

Dimensions - 2.2cm x 1.7cm x 2.2cm

Sizes and weights are approximate.


Lepidolite is The Stone of Transition, The Peace Stone, the Grandmother Stone – Lepidolite comes with a handful of names, all that speaks to its sense of sweet nurturing and ability to stabilize the soul. Lepidolite is an excellent stone at clearing out blockages and nudging you towards a place where you can connect to your higher self. As a stone known for reducing stress factors and anxiety, Lepidolite also gets to work making sure the nervous system is in complete harmony so you can deal with anything that comes your way. Lepidolite has also been known to help numb sciatica and neuralgia. It is also said to reduce problems associated with Alzheimer’s. Finally, among all its amazing traits, Lepidolite can help to stabilize moods, cut back on PMT, and help the body and mind deal with changes brought on by hormonal cycles and the menopause.

Lepidolite Tumble Stone

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